Women in Technology: Yvonne Garibay

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Liquid Web’s Business Account Executive for Hosting Install Base on passion, mentorship, and never underestimating yourself.

yvonne garibay women in technology
“I take great pride in providing strategic solutions that align with my customers’ business goals and help solve their challenges, improving their online presence and security. I get to help promote revenue growth, reduce risk, and increase profitability for my customers. It’s thrilling.”

Yvonne Garibay is passionate. Perhaps this comes in part from a childhood spent in beautiful Southern California. Born and raised in Paramount, the second in a line of four children, Garibay’s father worked as a local truck driver for Hollywood and Beverly Hills, while her mother took care of the children and home. “We had a lot of freedom to play outside and explore. We spent a lot of our time at the beach,” she says. “Growing up in L.A. in the 90s, there were earthquakes, riots, Dodgers and Lakers games—it was raw and real!”

Towards the end of her time in high school, Garibay’s father relocated the family to San Antonio, Texas. “My father was a true outdoorsman and taught us a lot of cool things, but above all was the importance of hard work,” she says. “My parents kept us involved in things like swimming competitively, riding bikes, and playing sports. I played softball most of my life. We were taught to decide things for ourselves and to have an open mind, something I am incredibly grateful for.”

Garibay began her career in technology ten years ago, responding to a job posting on Craigslist for a two-week temp job for a lead generator position. “In my first tech job, I qualified leads and passed them to sales reps. It was one of the best jobs I had ever had. I was in my mid 20s, working for a company that was for geeks and by geeks. The work environment cultivated a sense of joy and fun at work that I had not been familiar with before. I learned a lot, figured out what I wanted to do, and moved forward from there.”

She found a path in tech and was hooked. Now, Garibay works as a Business Account Executive for Hosting Install Base. “I manage and support key accounts in our US West coast territory, and my job is to maintain happy customers while helping them grow or renew with Liquid Web,” she says. “I take great pride in providing strategic solutions that align with my customers’ business goals and help solve their challenges, improving their online presence and security. I get to help promote revenue growth, reduce risk, and increase profitability for my customers. It’s thrilling.” It’s easy to see why this is a role she loves—her goals each day are to help others, speak her mind, and do what she says she will do.

As a passionate and driven person, the ever-evolving nature of tech is one aspect of the industry that Garibay loves most. “There is always something to learn. I get to help people turn their ideas into reality. This job never gets stale.” She also loves people. “The energy my colleagues bring to their work is incredible.” And now, after nearly a decade in tech, Garibay feels eager to mentor those who are new to the industry.

In 2014, she was the recipient of a Sales Rookie of the Year Award. After that, she received two back-to-back Sales Person of the Year recognitions. At the time, she was the only woman on her team and was also a single mother of two boys. It is all the more important to her, then, to use what she has learned along the way to help other women build a career in tech. “To me, there is nothing better than helping someone out and watching them progress and grow in their career.”

Garibay has had managers and directors who have mentored her on her career path. “They have pushed me, challenged me, given me tough feedback, and taught me about the industry. From dealing with my early morning emails and consistent check-ins, to supporting me through the ups and downs in my career, I would not be where I am in my journey without the wonderful mentors-turned-friends I’ve had over the years. They know who they are!”

Though she owes a debt of gratitude to her mentors, she is most encouraged by her family. “My family motivates me every day; they are my reason, my why, my everything!” Garibay feels particularly fortunate to have a strong support system both at work and at home. “My partner Josh always gives me the time and energy to do what I need to do.” Her children Anthony, Brandon, and Birdie also strengthen her confidence and keep her focused. “My family, especially my sisters, always revive me. They remind me who I am. My family has been my rock in this life. I am also lucky to have very close friends who have endured life’s hurdles with me and kept cheering me on,” she says. When she’s not chatting about tech, Garibay loves to spend a day with family and friends. “Whether we’re out at the river, camping, going to concerts, or just grilling in the backyard and playing games, days spent with the people I love are my favorite days.”

As for the future of women in tech, Garibay is eager to see more women join the industry, citing the various strengths and skill sets that women bring to the proverbial table. “We are problem-solvers, multi-taskers, communicators, and advocates. I believe women can bring new perspectives and viewpoints, discovering breakthroughs that may have been overlooked. Change is happening, but we need to speed it up. There is strength in numbers, and we need to lead the way and be role models for young girls.”

Garibay had neither a degree nor a background in tech when she first entered the field. She was a young mother looking for opportunity and willing to put to use the value of hard work her father instilled in her as a little girl. She encourages young women interested in tech not to be intimidated by what they don’t know, but rather to think of people all over the world who would benefit from the presence of more women in tech. “If we are not in tech, our needs are not represented. Tech can be an incredible tool for positive change, and we need women in the industry if there are things we want to improve for women everywhere.”

The keys to success in tech are confidence and courage, Garibay says. “Don’t underestimate yourself. Speak up, ask for help, and learn from the feedback and criticism you receive. Tech is ever-growing. If you keep up, you’ll be amazed where it can take you. As an industry, tech creates new opportunities for the world. I feel so lucky to be a part of it.”

Tagged with: Women in Technology
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About the Author

Mayra Pena

Mayra Pena, is the Communications Manager at Liquid Web and has over 10 years of experience in technology. Her passion is being a Helpful Human by creating and sharing valuable content for the Liquid Web community.

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