Author: Ross Chesley

Reading Time: 8 minutes

When running MSSQL or Microsoft SQL Server, we need to determine whether it is optimized or will it need more resources to achieve better performance. This article reviews what behaviors to look for,  where to find them, and how to view signs of distress.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What Does Server Load Mean?

Checking a server’s load allows us to evaluate server resources and confirm they are sufficient for any running application. It enables us to troubleshoot slow performance and reliably pinpoint any server resource that may need attention.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is SSMS?

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a free Windows application to configure, manage, and administer Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL). SSMS includes an Object Explorer to view and interact with databases and other elements, a Query window to write and execute Transact-SQL queries, and script editors for developers and administrators.

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