How to Create Object Storage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Storm Object Storage delivers a durable, secure, highly available solution for storage needs of virtually any size. With object storage access occurs via API calls to the object storage cluster, which replaces the need to rely on additional servers for dedicated storage.

Before using the awscli client to interact with Cloud Object Storage, or perhaps using Cyberduck with Cloud Object Storage, you’ll need to create a Cloud Object Storage. To do so, follow the instructions below!

From the Liquid Web Manage interface click on the Create button:

How to Create an Object Store

Then click on Storm Object Storage:

How to Create an Object Store

Click on Create Object Store:

How to Create an Object Store

Congrats! Your Object Store is created! To understand object storage you’ll want to start with remembering the following terms:

Object Store: Simply the name of your Object Store. Automatically generated.

Object Store Gateway: The domain to access everything in your Object Store.

Disk Space Usage: How much content you’ve stored in your Object Store.

Access Key: A unique identifier that, when partnered with a Secret Key, allows access to your Object Store.

Secret Key: A unique identifier that, when partnered with a Access Key, allows access to your Object Store. DO NOT SHARE. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

How to Create an Object Store

Now you’re ready to use the awscli client to interact with Storm Object Storage, or perhaps use Cyberduck with Storm Object Storage!

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About the Author: J. Mays

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