How to Upgrade and Patch cPanel / WHM

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pre-Flight Check

  • These instructions are intended specifically for checking your version of cPanel or WHM via the command line or the WHM dashboard.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Managed CentOS 7 server, and I’ll be logged in as root.

Step #1: Log In to WHM

First, log in to WHM. You’ll arrive at your WHM dashboard:

How to Upgrade and Patch cPanel WHM

Step #2: Navigate to Upgrade

In the top left corner search for Upgrade, then click on Upgrade to The Latest Version:

How to Upgrade and Patch cPanel WHM

Step #3: Begin the Upgrade

To begin the upgrade, click the button that says Click to Upgrade:

How to Upgrade and Patch cPanel WHM

Step #4: Upgrade Status and Completion

As the upgrade progresses the status message will say Updating system packages, and you’ll see the percentage complete as displayed below:

How to Upgrade and Patch cPanel WHM

When the upgrade completes you’ll see a message that says Upgrade Complete:

How to Upgrade and Patch cPanel WHM

Upgrade Blockers

Occasionally, issues arrive with the upgrade due to what are called ‘blockers’. You can see a list of upgrade blockers here at cPanel.

If you have any additional issue, please contact Liquid Web’s Heroic Support Team!

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About the Author: J. Mays

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