Proactive Server Maintenance Checklist, Prior to Reboot

Posted on by J. Mays
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Take a Backup, or Be Sure Backups are Running

We have tutorials on How to Create a Storm Server Backup, and How to Restore a Storm Server Backup.

Check Running Processes

Liquid Web’s Heroic Support team closely monitors the load on your servers with Sonar® proactive monitoring and service restoration. That said, it’s always wise to glance at what processes are running on your server to assure your services are running as expected. Check-out our tutorial on Monitoring Server Processes with Top for Linux.

Verify Services Will Start at Boot

Be sure to verify that all of your necessary services are configured to start when the server boots up. For CentOS users, you can follow this tutorial: chkconfig Command Examples for Red Hat and CentOS.

Save, Save, and Save Some More

Always check whether or not there are any unsaved changes to configuration files, etc. prior to a reboot. Save early and safe often!

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About the Author: J. Mays

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