Series: Using Disk Quotas in Dedicated Linux Servers

Use Disk Quotas in Dedicated Linux Servers for Plesk Servers

Posted on by Jason Potter | Updated:
Category: Series | Tags: Linux, Plesk, Storage
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Using Disk Quotas on Plesk Servers

Plesk servers come in a variety of underlying operating systems like: Windows, CentOS and Ubuntu VPS's as well as dedicated servers. These systems address disk quotas in different ways. However, they all use the same tools within the Plesk interface. Plesk servers can assign quotas on an individual domain basis or through the Service Plans & Subscriptions system. We will go over both of these methods below.

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How to Use Disk Quotas in Dedicated cPanel Servers

Posted on by Jason Potter | Updated:
Category: Series | Tags: cPanel, Linux, Storage
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Using Disk Quotas on a cPanel Dedicated Server

cPanel Servers

Before we can take full advantage of disk quotas, we must first initialize them. cPanel makes enabling Disk Quotas on our servers as easy as point and click.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

What is the Role of Disk Space Management using Disk Quotas?

Disk Space Management on a dedicated server or a VPS server is an often underestimated necessity of a systems administrators job duties. When managing disk space it is important to track and maintain adequate free space. This ensures proper system functionality and data integrity. Unlike your personal devices, when a server runs out of free space, it can have grave consequences. Running out of free space can lead to data and/or revenue loss for you, your clients and/or your user base.

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