Tag: Apache2

Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

Posted on by Echo Diaz | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nginx is an open source Linux web server that accelerates content while utilizing low resources. Known for its performance and stability Nginx has many other uses such as load balancing, reverse proxy, mail proxy, and HTTP cache. With all these qualities it makes a definite competitor for Apache. To install Nginx follow our straightforward tutorial.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Broken down into two parts our article’s first section hits on “how to whitelist IPs or URIs,” for people who are somewhat familiar with ModSecurity but want to know further about the process. Our second section examines why we configure ModSecurity and how to prevent the security of the server from getting in the way of our work. If you have a Fully Managed Liquid Web server reach out to our Heroic Support team for assistance with whitelisting!

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

How mod_deflate works

When a visitor accesses a website, a request is made to the web server for a specific kind of data. An example might be a home page of a site. Next, the web server locates that data and delivers it to the client who is requesting that data – basically back to the web browser.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

phpMyAdmin is an open source tool used for the administration of MySQL. In addition to offering the capability to perform administration tasks such as creating, editing, or deleting databases, and managing users and permissions, phpMyAdmin provides a graphical user interface to do all of these tasks and more.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

phpMyAdmin is an open source tool used for the administration of MySQL. In addition to offering the capability to perform administration tasks such as creating, editing, or deleting databases, and managing users and permissions, phpMyAdmin provides a graphical user interface to do all of these tasks and more.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Apache web server is one of the most popular and powerful web servers in the world, due to its ease of administration and flexibility. In this tutorial we will install Apache on a server that doesn’t have a web server or database server already installed.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Apache web server is one of the most popular and powerful web servers in the world, due to its ease of administration and flexibility. In this tutorial we will install Apache on a server that doesn’t have a web server or database server already installed.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Apache web server is one of the most popular and powerful web servers in the world due to its ease of administration and flexibility. This flexibility comes Apache’s modular design, and allows for such features as: URL rewriting for SSL encryption natively, and Outlook Anywhere passthrough support in reverse proxy setups. Modularity allows Administrators to modify Apache to meet their needs; adding modules that are needed and removing ones that are not.

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How to Install Apache on CentOS 7

Posted on by J. Mays | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Apache web server is one of the most popular and powerful web servers in the world, due to its ease of administration and flexibility. In this tutorial, we will install Apache on a server that doesn’t have a web server or database server already installed.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

phpMyAdmin is an open source tool used for the administration of MySQL. In addition to offering the capability to perform administration tasks such as creating, editing, or deleting databases, and managing users and permissions, phpMyAdmin provides a graphical user interface to do all of these tasks and more.

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