Tag: NginX

Our Nginx tutorials show you how to install Nginx on a variety of OS. Here you'll also find how to optimize your web server when using Nginx.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

With the shortage of available address space in IPv4, IPs are becoming increasingly difficult to come by, and in some cases, increasingly expensive. However, in most instances, this is not a drawback. Servers are perfectly capable of hosting multiple websites on one IP address, as they have for years.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

When choosing a server operating system, there are a number of factors and choices that must be decided. An often talked about and referenced OS, Ubuntu, is a popular choice and offers great functionality with a vibrant and helpful community. However, if you’re unfamiliar with Ubuntu and have not worked with either the server or desktop versions, you may encounter differences in common tasks and functionality from previous operating systems you’ve worked with. Here are the top four lessons I’ve learned while running Ubuntu on a server.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is a Redirect?

A redirect is a web server function that will redirect traffic from one URL to another. Redirects are an important feature when the need arises. There are several different types of redirects, but the more common forms are temporary and permanent. In this article, we will provide some examples of redirecting through the vhost file, forcing a secure HTTPS connection, redirection to www and non-www as well as the difference between temporary and permanent redirects.

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What Does Varnish Do? [Infograph]

Posted on by Echo Diaz | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

What Does Varnish Do?

Varnish is a website accelerator. It’s designed to decrease the time it takes for your website to load and an ideal tool for improving performance on busy, mission-critical sites.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Action Scheduler is a background processing, queue job runner which is built into WooCommerce core. A number of plugins use the Action Scheduler, WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Follow-Ups being two of the best known.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

What is a Service Mesh?

A service mesh is a layer of communication and control between applications or microservices and the network stack they typically communicate over. This layer controls communication and helps microservices share data. This service-to-service interaction is governed by logic built into the service mesh layer. Simply put, microservices are small or partial applications, or individual functions, and the network stack is the physical networking layer.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Nginx is an open source Linux web server that accelerates content while utilizing low resources. Known for its performance and stability Nginx has many other uses such as load balancing, reverse proxy, mail proxy, and HTTP cache. Nginx, by default, does not execute PHP scripts and must be configured to do so.  In this tutorial, we will show you how to enable and test PHP capabilities with your server.

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Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

Posted on by Echo Diaz | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nginx is an open source Linux web server that accelerates content while utilizing low resources. Known for its performance and stability Nginx has many other uses such as load balancing, reverse proxy, mail proxy, and HTTP cache. With all these qualities it makes a definite competitor for Apache. To install Nginx follow our straightforward tutorial.

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Configuring NGINX for Managed WordPress

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Running a WordPress site can be incredibly simple and used right out of the box, but you may need to customize or add specific files in order to get the most out of your site. Our Managed WordPress customers can include custom NGINX configurations for individual sites because we know that adding simple redirects or adjusting browser cache settings are actions that many of our Managed WordPress users do on a regular basis. Read on to learn how you can use this functionality for your own site.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Apache is the most commonly used web server software on the Internet, and for good reason. Its long history, general reliability, thorough documentation and active support community have helped it grow to include support for nearly anything a web developer can think to throw at it. But Apache’s universal support has not come without some trade-offs.

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