Tag: Subdomain

By subdividing a domain name into a subdomain you'll be able to control a part of your site separate from the main domain. Our tutorials takes you further by using different platforms and interfaces to set up your subdomain.

What Are Domains?

Posted on by Libby White | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Domains create your address on the internet. When you own a domain, you can tell people to go to the URL mysite.com and they will see whatever content you’ve associated with that domain. Every domain name is matched to an IP address and follows the Domain Name System (DNS).

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

A domain alias is an alternate name for a website. A common use for domain aliases is so mysite.com and mysite.net show the same information. It’s easy to set up domain aliases in Cloud Sites.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Websites hosted on subdomains make up a large subsection of the internet. If you own a domain you can create as many subdomains as you want with it. This can be useful when you want to create isolated sections of your websites with specific functions. Creating subdomains is useful if you want to have an online store, blog, or forum.

For example if you own domain.com then you can create:

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What is a FQDN?

Posted on by David Singer
Category: Other | Tags: DNS, Domain, Subdomain
Reading Time: 2 minutes

What is a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)?

When working with domains and DNS management understanding what a FQDN is can be very helpful. This article will help explain the concept of a FQDN and a domains different components.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--01
  2. Now let’s learn how to create a subdomain.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--02
  3. Click the “Subdomains” icon.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--03
  4. Enter the prefix of your new subdomain.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--04
  5. Make sure the domain name your subdomain will be associated with is selected. A directory name the same as your subdomain prefix will automatically appear… although you can change this if you want.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--05
  6. Click the “Create” button.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--06
  7. That’s it! A new subdomain has been created.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--07
  8. A new folder called “clients” has also been created, which is where you would upload files for this subdomain.cpanel-paperlantern-21-subdomain--08


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