Tag: Troubleshooting

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When using PhpMyAdmin, it’s essential to have the correct user permissions to create edits/writes to the database.  Otherwise, insufficient permissions can lead to  errors like the ones pictured below “#1044 – Access denied for user …[using password: YES]” and “#1045 – Access denied for user…[using password: YES]”.  In our tutorial, we’ll show you how to correct this issue using the command line terminal.  Let’s get started!

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

How Do I Get Back Into RDP?

You may be working from a local machine that has an IP that is not scoped on that RDP port, making it impossible for you to gain remote access to add the IP address to the RDP rule’s scope. Do not fret; there is a simple and quick way to add your IP to the RDP scoping (or any other entities such as MySQL or MSSQL) right through your Plesk interface in your local browser. You can watch this video, or scroll down for step-by-step directions.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

This tutorial is intended to do two things: to expand on the Cron Troubleshooting article; and to give an overview of a simple scripting concept that uses the creation of a file as a flag to signify something is running. This is primarily useful when you need to run something continuously, but not more than one copy at a time. You can create a file as a flag to check if a job is already running, , and in turn, check for that flag before taking further action.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Ansible symbolAnsible is an easy to use automation software that can update a server, configure tasks, manage daily server functions and deploys jobs as needed on a schedule of your choosing. It is usually administered from a single location or control server and uses SSH to connect to the remote servers. Because it employs SSH to connect, it is very secure and, there is no software to install on the servers being managed. It can be run from your desktop, laptop or other platforms to assist with automating the tedious tasks which every server owner faces.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Cron is a service for Linux servers that automatically executes scheduled commands. A cron job can be a series of shell commands, scripts, or other programs. Cron tasks or jobs can perform a variety of functions and once ran can send out an e-mail message to inform you of its completion or errors. If you receive an error, there are many ways to troubleshoot the cron task.  Use this article for troubleshooting assistance or a tutorial on the basics of cron jobs. If you would like to learn more about creating a cron job check out our Knowledge Base tutorials on the subject.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Nginx is an open source Linux web server that accelerates content while utilizing low resources. Known for its performance and stability Nginx has many other uses such as load balancing, reverse proxy, mail proxy, and HTTP cache. Nginx, by default, does not execute PHP scripts and must be configured to do so.  In this tutorial, we will show you how to enable and test PHP capabilities with your server.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Remote Desktop Protocol (or RDP) is the most common method of gaining administrative access to a Windows server. RDP is available on all versions of Windows server and a client (called Remote Desktop Connection) is included with all versions of Windows desktop operating systems. Clients are also available for Macintosh operating systems from Microsoft in the iTunes store and for Linux desktops with applications like FreeRDP. Connecting to your server via RDP allows you full control of the server desktop environment, just as if you were sitting in front of the server’s monitor and keyboard. Depending on your permissions and settings, you can copy and delete files, change file permissions or settings, and even print documents from the server.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Over the years WHMCS has made some changes to where it stores certain directories, specifically directories outside of public_html. The goal of this is to increase overall security by moving sensitive files to a more protected location. While this change does help to improve WHMCS security, it also adds a few steps of complexity.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Logwatch is a Perl-based log management tool for analyzing, summarizing, and reporting on a server’s log files. It is most often used to send a short digest of server’s log activity to a system administrator.

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